
Showing posts from March, 2019

rough cut of short film

A simple rough cut of my short film. I have gathered all of the footage that I have taken and put it in order so that the story makes sense to the audience. However, I had initially intended that the narrative of my short film would be chronological with flashbacks weaved in and so I realised that when I had put the footage together, that the film needs to be edited and shuffled so that the sequence of events makes sense. I am happy with my rough cut because I think I gathered quite a lot of good footage that will be used in my final edit, and in my rough cut I had deleted a few pieces of footage that had not relevance or importance to my story or its plot. The final cut will be different because I will have to edit all of the footage that I have and condense or delete it so that my short film is no longer than five minutes, I will cut and shorten a lot of the takes that I have filmed because I was able to gather a lot of different camera angles and so this is important during c

plot synopsis

PLOT SYNOPSIS - ACTS OF KINDNESS The film begins with a young women walking confused and disorientated through a forest. She has blood on her t-shirt and appears to be looking for help. It is intertwined with flashbacks of the night before and the audience discovers at the end why she is wandering in the forest, alone and why her top is bloodied; whether she is in danger or not. 


My storyboards: