(Post 4) 'Generating ideas' - Planning



Mood board of ideas
In class, we randomly picked scenes and the scenes I picked were:
  • A knight in shining armour
  • A medieval castle
  • A war has just started
  • A long ladder
  • Just after midnight
By randomly choosing a location, a situation, characters, an object and a time, it enables us to come up with stories and ideas that we wouldn't usually think of doing and thinking about how we could make it into a short film. Also, we are able to think of different ways we could take the ideas and what different genres could be applied to the stories.

 Fortunately, the things picked for me do correlate in some ways. For example, the knight in the middle of a war, could be trying to get into the enemy's medieval castle by the ladder, to infiltrate the enemy and take them out from the inside. The knight might be doing it at midnight so he wouldn't be as easily seen by the enemies. This would mean he could easily sneak in as there would be less men everywhere due to most of them resting. This genre for this plot would be perhaps thriller or a suspense film as it would be intense as to whether his plan works or not. The cast of this story might be the knight and the enemy who could be walking round checking its secure  and perhaps the knights fellow soldiers around him who are telling him not to do it because it's too risky and dangerous.

Setting- A medieval castle
Character expression/movement- I have included this above
Props- The ladder
Hair/makeup- There wouldn't be any makeup due to it being knights so would be hard to see and the hair wouldn't matter  as this wouldn't be seen either.
Costume- The costumes would be knights in armour and everyone would be dressed like who are in the castle.
Lighting- It is midnight so it would be quite dark but there would be unnatural lighting from lamps and perhaps fire's in the castle to make it bright enough to see.

It could also be that the knight is cowardly and tries to escape from the castle through the long ladder because the knight realises that they are going to lose the War and wants to escape before being caught and perhaps killed. The knight could be doing this just after midnight because he doesn't want his fellow followers to see him being a coward and escaping as many of his men would be sleeping. This genre could also be a suspenseful or a drama film as the audience would wonder if he's going to get caught or not and the antics behind what he is doing. As he could get caught by one of his soldiers and there could be drama there between them with perhaps some arguments as to what he is doing. This would mean the cast would be a knight and perhaps one of his followers or fellow soldiers who finds him would be the cast but also perhaps some security who let him past or find him.  Also, the story could be twisted so that one of the enemy soldiers finds the knight but they become friendly and the War which is about to start is stopped due to this two soldiers who become friends and stops it before it's too late. This would mean the cast would be the two soldiers and then perhaps their sides of soldiers who would oppose stopping the war but eventually do or don't listen. This genre could be suspenseful as to whether they are able to stop the war but also could be a comedy if twisted so that it could be funny. Mise-en-scene:
Setting- A medieval castle
Character expression/movement- I have included this above
Props- The ladder
Hair/makeup- There wouldn't be any makeup due to it being knights so would be hard to see and the hair wouldn't matter  as this wouldn't be seen either.
Costume- The knights are the costume so armour would be what the characters are wearing
Lighting- It is midnight so it would be quite dark but there would be unnatural lighting from lamps and perhaps fire's in the castle to make it bright enough to see.

 Another idea could be the classic idea that the knight is sneaking into the Medieval castle just after midnight, during a War, because he is seeing someone in secret, such as a princess or a friend, that is on the opposing team. The knight may be being sneaky because this is not allowed and would be looked down upon by others as they are meant to be the enemies, not friends. This is a classic story and could be easily applied to the situations that have been picked. This genre would be romance as it would be between either a friendship or a romantic couple. The cast of this story would be the knight and then either the friend or partner and the enemy soldiers who are walking round the castle checking it's secure who the knight sneaks around. Mise-en-scene:
Setting- A medieval castle
Character expression/movement- I have included this above
Props- The ladder
Hair/makeup- The knight and everyone in the castle would be wearing armour so hair and makeup is not important but the friend or partner would not be in armour and may be wearing light makeup and having their hair quite nice as they are not a knight or a soldier.
Costume- A man looking like a knight
Lighting- It is midnight so it would be quite dark but there would be unnatural lighting from lamps and perhaps fire's in the castle to make it bright enough to see.


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